The TSG Academy coaching philosophy and approach

The TSG Academy coaching philosophy and approach
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The coaching concept of Tarun Sardesai Golf Academy (TSG) goes beyond conventional techniques to develop players who are not just skilled golfers but also well-rounded athletes who can succeed both on and off the course. The SYSTEM of coaching at TSG is a unique framework created to maximize each player’s growth and move away from traditional half-hour and one-hour lessons.

This SYSTEM distinguishes TSG from other golf academies in India by demonstrating a dedication to steady progress, discipline, and all-encompassing development. 

But what all really goes into this all round development?

Well, let’s see what all goes into our all-round development approach!

A Singular teaching philosophy

TSG’s system ensures that every coach follows the same approach and thinking. Thanks to this unified approach, young athletes at the academy can receive constant advice, which makes for a seamless learning process. We ensure that any athlete under TSG guidance always trains under the same guidelines and receives the same caliber of instruction regardless of the coach they work with. Building trust between the coaches and players via consistency is essential to creating a climate conducive to development and growth in the sport!

Multi-faceted approach to building an athlete

TSG’s aim is broader than just golf. The academy’s goal is to produce all-round players who can handle the demands of competitive golf on a mental, emotional, and physical level. A vital component of the training program includes discipline, mental toughness, and physical fitness. Golfers are urged and trained to take a balanced approach to their growth, realizing that the game requires physical and mental toughness and swing proficiency.

Building coach-independent athletes

Encouraging and training  golfers to become fully aware of  their golf swing and technique is fundamental to the TSG coaching concept. This guarantees that as these young golfers advance, they will become more self-sufficient in evaluating themselves and altering their performance as needed. The objective of TSG is to enable players to become coach-independent by giving them the skills and self-assurance necessary to manage their development.

Organized Development and Responsibility

The phases of the academy’s training program are designed to guarantee that participants advance steadily. This systematic strategy continuously monitors performance, particularly at the intermediate stage, where players must graduate to more complex strategies. At TSG, accountability is emphasized by both the coaching staff and the players. We promote a culture of excellence and ongoing development by holding coaches and players accountable for the outcomes.

Effective practice is key Players at TSG are taught discipline from the very beginning of their careers. Players are encouraged to prioritize quality over quantity in their practice sessions, emphasizing the need for consistent practice. Every student is taught over a period of time to write his own practice schedule that is aligned with the blueprint that they are working towards with the coaches. This itself is an act of self-discipline that creates awareness and prevents a student from mindlessly hitting buckets of balls in the name of ‘practice’. Effective practice involves not just technical training, but technical training with the right kind of simulations that will impact your game sense during a tournament. 

Parent education is the need of the hour

Additionally, TSG takes the initiative to teach parents how to help their kids in sports and foster a positive environment that promotes long-term success. All parents have a dream for their children, however, the children also have a dream for themselves and we believe that the latter has to be given space and time to be cultivated. TSG urges parents who go down this journey to keep the conversations positive no matter what and give the child time. Children who are in our system have given up many pleasures associated with the ‘common’ life of an adolescent. They have chosen a path that is not easy, so an optimistic environment all round helps greatly. On a different note, giving credit to parents who may or may not know and understand what this journey is about, is very important. They have provided the opportunity but often need hand holding with each passing year on what the next steps need to be.  

And hence, we take pride in saying that TSG is revolutionizing golf instruction in India by emphasizing independence, discipline, and consistency. This approach equips players for the game’s demands and everyday life. The TSG approach guarantees that each player has the resources necessary to achieve the next wave of golf talent.

Contact TSG Academy and we will guide you for a personalized coaching experience!!